Saturday, 17 November 2012

Universal Jobmatch Not Mandatory

IMPORTANT: If you are asked to sign up to Universal Jobmatch on Monday at your Jobcentre or Work Programme Provider, it is Voluntary.
“Jobcentre Plus customers (including potential jobseekers) will not be mandated to register and create a profile.”

You do not have to create a Universal Jobmatch Account nor do you have to sign any forms relating to Universal Jobmatch.

Universal Jobmatch is a new online job posting and matching service that has been created by for the Department for Work and Pensions. Universal Jobmatch (UJ) will allow monitoring of a claimant's Jobsearch activity, which could lead to sanctions. Also, UJ allows the sharing of your personal information with employers. have also been involved in several instances of personal information theft.

Whilst UJ is still voluntary —there may be plans to make it mandatory in the future—, you can opt out of the service and protect your data & privacy.

For more information on Universal Jobmatch visit:

UPDATE:  You could be given a Jobseeker’s Direction to register with UJ, even so you do not need to give permission (consent) for DWP to access your account.


  1. does anyone else have trouble logging into Consent me??

  2. Yes. I have just signed up for it. however after reading all this, I am not sure it was such a good Ideaa

  3. I dunno if you lot have a Jobmatch leaflet already, but if not, I drafted a quick standard one that you can hand out at jobcentres to let other claimants know about their right to refuse to sign up:
    It's not the greatest leaflet ever, but it's a word document, so you should be able to edit it pretty easily if you want to improve it, or just to add contact details. I don't really understand why people seem to use PDFs so much, but if for some reason you want it as a PDF instead, here you go:

  4. Great article!

    The most specific job matching tool I found was in the premium version of Jobscan where they take your targeted resume skills and qualifications and match it with your preferred location. It’s really cool because it’s so specific.
